Why Choose Philantopia?
By Kerri on December 12th, 2019 | Categories: Auction Packages, Blog

In most “Why choose us” blogs or pages, the company will describe their personal merits. They’ll try to sell you on their value, and why you should work with them.

There’s nothing wrong with advocating for yourself, but at Philantopia, we don’t expect you to take our word for it. We’re letting our past clients tell you what they thought of their Philantopia experience.

“The staff were extremely professional and well-organized.”

– Christine, Colorado Thunderbird AAA Hockey

Since 2008, we’ve offered exceptional travel packages for nonprofit events and fundraisers. That’s more than a decade of refining our craft and making the process as seamless as possible. We’re with you every step of the way to make sure bidding on our silent auction packages goes wonderfully.

“We have used Philantopia travel packages for the last two years…”

– Sheryl, KENW TV, Portales, New Mexico

Nonprofits who work with us once tend to work with us again. That’s because our no-risk travel packages are super appealing — for event coordinators and bidders alike. If no one bids on your event, you don’t pay! When your live or silent auction package is sold to the winning bidder, your organization keeps the profit after the initial price.

“Not only was the trip incredible and more than we thought it would be, but we purchased another package through the non profit to support their cause and booked another trip to return next summer.”

– Gregg G., Bid Winner

Gregg bid on (and won) our Wine and Dine auction package in the heart of Tuscany. Visit our testimonials page to see all that he had to say — if you find yourself suddenly wanting to hop on a plane to Italy with one of our packages, we won’t blame you in the slightest.

“Great Travel Packages + Great Customer Support = A Great Event!”

– John White, Event Organizer and Manager Lifestyle Services, Denver Scholarship Fund

No matter the type of your event, there is a live and silent auction package for everyone through Philantopia. From the Zulu Nyala Safari to any of our golfer’s ultimate getaways, there are countless vacation packages to choose from! Our compassionate and highly experienced customer support team will happily help you navigate the process.

As we mentioned, most companies are ready to talk about their company until the cows come home. That’s fine, but we are driven to have our reviews speak for themselves. We know that our live and silent auction vacation packages are amazing, we know that working with us is a truly positive experience, but you don’t have to listen to us! Listen to our clients instead.